The astronomer, will guide you through the night sky with a large. green pointer and his voice is projected to all by loud speaker.
Some of the amazing things you will see and learn about!
> Double Star Systems
> Deep Space Clouds of Gas & Dust
> Open Star Clusters
> Giant Red Stars
> Galaxies
> Newly Born Stars
> Planets
> The Milky Way
> The Great Rift
> Constellations

Come view the Andromeda

Programs are based upon clear enough skies. If there are too many clouds or rain you can simply attend the next available program. Reservations now available. Click the link below
Tickets are required.
October 6 is sunset concert and astronomy program from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. Bring a picnic and enjoy the vineyard wine. Reservations are required. Purchase half-price tickets today!

>We have programs from May through November.
> Our fields are located in ,The vineyard at Hillyland in Scotland,CT
> Reservations are required. After tickets are purchased Click below to make reservations:
> The vineyard tasting room is open and purchased separately.
> Gift certificates are available to be sent by email upon request.
> Email any questions to astronomyusaevent@gmail.com
Tickets are not date specific. So use any time! Tickets are valid through 2025

Only 20 tickets available at this price
If the date you choose is cloudy you can simply attend another date. The tickets will be accepted for any date and are valid until 2025.

Come and experience the universe! We have been doing astronomy events for over 10 years! These events include stargazing boat cruises, stargazing bus cruises, total solar eclipse trips, mountain top observatory trips and various other stargazing and astronomy events!